
June 29, 2016
  • 9:00 AM
    Workshop A
    Customer Experience Journey Mapping – Your Road to Success
    Carol Bueherns
    Customer Experience Strategist, ICW Group
    1. Dive deep into critical touch-points
    2. Break down organisational silos and work together to innovate
    3. Demonstrate an ROI and get the buy-in you need to succeed

    Arm your organisation with the right tools to create experiences across channels that will engage your customers.

  • Workshop B
    • 1:30 PM
      Workshop B
      Journeying into the Digital Consciousness of the Customer
      Renee Racine-Kinnear
      Vice President, Digital Customer Experience, Indigo
      1. Identify the key principles of any customer relationship
      2. Uncover the unseen mindset structure that drives every relationship
      3. Gain valuable tools for understanding how it works

      Discover the what, where, how and why of the customer relationship and how you can leverage it in your business.

    Workshop C
    • 1:30 PM
      Workshop C:
      Social Media analytics and Customer Experience
      1. Aggregate and analyse feedback from social media
      2. Get to know your social customers and leverage their influence
      3. Make real-time and intelligent decisions based on analytics

      Enable faster and better response to your customer feedback to improve retention and loyalty.

June 29, 2016
June 30, 2016
  • 8:00 AM
    Registration and Continental Breakfast
  • 8:45 AM
    Opening Comments from the Chair
    Martin Dowson
    Board Member, CXPA UK
  • 9:00 AM
    Keynote Address
    Create Better Digital Experiences for Your Customers to Drive Customer Loyalty and Higher Profits
    Erik Varwijk
    Executive Vice President Commercial, Virgin Atlantic Airways

    Hear from Virgin Atlantic Airways about the importance of a culture to guide your digital CX and positively impact the bottom line. Emulate these successes to transform your organisation’s culture. Take away specific solutions to:

    • Translate CX talk into the boardroom and get C-suite excited about digital CX
    • Rally your organisation around a new culture of customer centricity
    • Create digital experiences that help customers make the right decision and meet their needs

    Get a glimpse into what it takes to better deliver experiences for your customers.

  • 9:30 AM
    Customer Journey Mapping
    Using Customer Journey Maps to Improve Your Customers’ Experiences
    Sarah Eborall
    Head of Customer Experience, Barclaycard

    Customer journey mapping is an integral part of customer experience management. Identify how your customers view your organisation. Translate how interactions meet your customer’s broader goals, objectives, and activities. Develop a blueprint to:

    • Identify the interactions that have the most impact on customer loyalty
    • Investigate key areas for CX improvements and innovations that will impact your ROI
    • Elevate customer-centricity across the organisation

    Turn CJMs into an asset to help you build and deliver a seamless omni-channel experience.

  • 10:00 AM
    Speed Networking
    Develop Relationships and Fresh Ideas from Senior Level Peers

    Engage thinkers, doers, and trailblazers in digital customer experience. Quick rotations will help you break the ice and get to know fellow CX executives and professionals. Bring your business cards, make the right connections, and build exclusive knowledge!

    Exchange new ideas, best practices, and proven tactics with your peers and experts

  • 10:15 AM
    Mid-Morning Networking Break

    Interact with conference speakers and fellow attendees. Secure important new business contacts and talk about crucial developments in your field.

  • 10:45 AM
    Industry Expert: Digital CX Technology
    Digital Identity is the Key to Successful Customer Experience
    Erik Sucksdorff
    VP Business Development, Identity and Access Management, EMEA, GlobalSign

    Everything you do revolves around the customer identity. Capturing, converting and retention is crucial for your business. Customers demand convenience and security. Regulatory pressure will force enterprises to take a hard look how they secure transactions and protect the privacy of their customers. Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the key in building convenient, secure, adaptable, compliant and cost effective base for Knowing Your Customer and their digital experience.

    • How to truly know your customer
    • Single customer identity across channels and services
    • Modern, convenient and secure alternatives for authentication and transaction security
    • How to use existing digital identities to drive conversion and retention
    • Compliance tips for the upcoming regulation
    • Case examples where GlobalSign customers have created world firsts, moved to nr1 on customer satisfaction, created new business opportunities with the help of customer-centric IAM

    Digital customer identity from an afterthought to basic requirement and competitive advantage.

  • 11:15 AM
    Case study: Benchmarking
    Critiquing Other People’s Customer Experience With Your Own to Drive Improvements to Your Programme
    Steve Pearce
    Global Design Director, Skyscanner

    Do you know how you’re digital CX programme is really performing? Critique your digital CX programme against other industry leaders to help you identify areas you can improve and drive greater brand loyalty. Master success factors to:

    • Create metrics to benchmark
    • Undertake a benchmarking exercise
    • Prioritise your findings into an action plan

    Take away a plan to benchmark your organization

  • 11:45 AM
    Case Study: Staff Engagement in DCX
    How to Create an Appetite for Change Around the Customer in Your Organisation and Deploy a Long- term, Sustainable Customer-focussed Culture
    Heloise Ardley
    Director - Voice of the Customer, Pearson Plc

    Digital is changing the way companies do business. While executives know the importance of CX and digital, your staff may be more resistant. Develop a strategy to engage your staff to ensure your Digital CX success. Devise your action plan to:

    • Identify barriers to change and the tools you need to apply to overcome them
    • Maximise change enablers: How to incubate change, spread energy and good stories
    • Driving change on a shoe-string: What you can do even without a budget
    • How to measure your digital customer experience success against your outcomes <

    Take away proven tactics to gain you the support you need continuously improve your CX

  • 12:15 PM
    Networking Luncheon

    Join the conference speakers and your peers for a relaxing luncheon.

  • 1:15 PM
    Case Study: VoC
    Let Your Customers Drive Innovation to Create an Authentic Online Customer Experience
    Renee Racine-Kinnear
    Vice President, Digital Customer Experience, Indigo

    Are you sitting on your most valuable resource? Tap the wellspring of customer ideas and turn critics into innovators. Improve web conversion and strengthen relationships with your customers. Create a roadmap to:

    • Establish grassroots feedback channels that differentiate your brand from the ‘big boys’
    • Catalogue and mine customer complaints and ideas
    • Close the loop by rewarding customers who contribute

    Bring a personal touch to your ‘voice of the customer’ program.

  • 1:45 PM
    Panel Discussion: Digital CX Implementation
    How to Successfully Implement a Digital CX Strategy to Increase Profit

    Embarking on a digital journey can be fraught with challenges. Interact with Digital CX leaders and learn from their experiences to help you improve your digital CX implementation. Take away an action plan to:

    • Develop a digital CX Strategy
    • Integrate digital with your existing CX processes
    • Overcome obstacles to implementation

    Ensure the roll out of your digital customer experience strategy is as seamless as possible

  • 2:30 PM
    Building a Customer-Centric Company Culture To Increase Loyalty
    Sergio Nuvan
    Global Head of Cutomer Experience Multinationals, Telefonica

    Companies that succeed in developing a customer-centric culture enjoy revenue growth. Leverage the benefits of having customer service ingrained in your organisation to increase loyalty and therefore profit. Develop your company’s blueprint to:

    • Rally your organisation around a new CX culture led by digital innovations
    • Revolutionise how you measure CX and DCX success to solidify loyalty
    • Improve decision-making by utilising real-time customer feedback

    Embrace digital customer experience and position your company at the head of the pack.

  • 3:00 PM
    Mid-Afternoon Networking Break

    Interact with conference speakers and fellow attendees.

  • 3:30 PM
    Industry Expert: Personalisation
    How to Push Personalisation to the Next Level to Innovate CX and Improve Success Metrics

    Customer data crumbs are setting the stage for the future of personalisation. Learn how you can use technology and data to individualise experiences by structuring customer interaction, functionality and content around the needs of each individual customer. Develop a plan to:

    • Increase relevance and prioritise functionality and content
    • Capitalise on data to integrate siloed touch-points into omni-channel experiences
    • Know where the limit of personalisation and individualisation lies

    Innovate your customers’ experience through personalisation.

  • 4:00 PM
    Case Study: Omni-Channel
    Build and Deliver Holistic Omni-Channel Experiences to Ensure Consistent Outcomes Across Channels
    Carlo Giugovaz
    Head of CEE Multi Channel Banking, Citigroup
    Head of CEE Multi Channel Banking, Citigroup
    Head of CEE Multi Channel Banking, Citigroup
    Head of CEE Multi Channel Banking, Citigroup
    Head of CEE Multi Channel Banking, Citigroup
    Head of CEE Multi Channel Banking, Citigroup

    Customers perceive their interactions with organisations as a continuum of digital and physical experiences, expecting a blended and seamless experience across them. Align your online and offline, physical and digital, to reflect the way customers actually behave across touch-points. Adopt best practices to:

    • Move away from siloed approaches and adopt single view of the customer across touch-points
    • Identify omni-channel efforts to create the most valuable experiences for customers
    • Ensure painless customer transitions across touch-points

    Manage your customers’ expectations with consistency across all touch-points.

  • 4:30 PM
    Provide an Unmatched Customer Service Experience Through Digital Engagement

    Digital options have transformed how customers interact with your company’s products. Provide your customers with the digital tools to control every point of their experience. Develop a blueprint to:

    • Create a digital CX tailored to fit your individual customers
    • Bolster your brand’s convenience and personalization
    • Evolve to meet your digital customer’s expectations

    Utilize digital tools to fully enable your customer’s experiences.

  • 5:00 PM
    Conference Adjourns to Day Two
  • 5:05 PM
    Evening Cocktail Reception

    Don’t miss this exclusive end-of-day gathering with conference speakers and attendees! Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and drinks. Unwind, mingle and build relationships that will benefit you in the years to come. Bring your business cards. Plan your day accordingly to stay and attend!

June 30, 2016
July 1, 2016
  • 8:00 AM
    Registration and Continental Breakfast
  • 8:45 AM
    Opening Comments From the Chair
    Martin Dowson
    Board Member, CXPA UK
  • 9:00 AM
    Case Study: Brand Loyalty
    How to Transform Digital Customer Experience to Build an Enduring Brand
    Mariana Machado
    Customer Behaviour Director, Accor

    Most brands put customer experience as their top priority, yet so many deliver an undifferentiated onmi-channel experience. Stand out online by engaging and entertaining your audience. Source insights to transform your entire CX journey:

    • Create the urgency to build a digital CX culture
    • Revolutionise how you measure the CX journey end-to-end
    • Make design a partner in CX success

    Achieve your digital CX objectives and to generate brand loyalty.

  • 9:30 AM
    Industry Expert: Digital Transformation
    Rewire the Customer Experience to Exceed Customers’ Expectations in a Digital World

    In today’s digital age, getting the digital customer experience right is essential to your survival. Identify the key pillars to crafting delightful experiences that will make a positive impact on your bottom line. Generate a plan to:

    • Know your customer’s interactions and pain points across all channels
    • Focus on digital channels that make an impact and drive engagement
    • Deliver insights to get to know your customer

    Take away key tips and strategies to guide you along your transformation.

  • 10:00 AM
    Mid-Morning Networking Break

    Interact with conference speakers and fellow attendees.

  • 10:30 AM
    Metrics Panel
    Choose the Right Metrics to Take Your CX to the Next Level
    Mabel Moya
    CRM Leader, Altibox
    Dan Moross
    Director of Customer Experience,

    There are multiple metrics out there that measure customer satisfaction. Find out which metric is best to determine your CX performance. Source advice and insights to:

    • Identify the right combination of metrics to measure CX success
    • Benchmark your performance across competitors and industries
    • Leverage your omni-channel data to improve decision-making, customer engagement and loyalty

    Redesign your metrics to maximise your CX strategy investment.

  • 11:15 AM
    Industry Expert
    Use Predictive Analytics to Design and Deliver a Higher Quality Experiences for Your (Potential) Customers

    Big data analytics can help you support your efforts to deliver relevance customers want. Learn how you can put data to work and create value for your customers and your business. Take away a roadmap to:

    • Integrate data from digital platforms and multiple back-end servers
    • Create a cross-channel analytical dashboard for your operations staff
    • Take action and customise experiences based on insights

    Harness data analytics to improve the ROI on your social CX program.

  • 11:45 AM
    Case Study: Touch-points
    Drive Touch-point Innovations to Engage Your Customers and Ensure Brand Consistency
    Carol Bueherns
    Customer Experience Strategist, ICW Group

    Many companies deliver content using a combination of digital media to drive their brand awareness. Blur the lines between your company’s digital touch-points to grow revenue, reduce costs and improve CX. Discover innovative tips to:

    • Improve end-to-end customer interactions
    • Prioritize areas for digital CX improvement
    • Improve employee engagement with new products

    Transform your digital touch-points to manage customer experience across all channels.

  • 12:15 PM
    Networking Luncheon

    Join the conference speakers and your peers for a relaxing luncheon.

  • 1:15 PM
    How to Develop a Digital Customer Experience Strategy to Balance Customer Needs with Business Goals
    Peter Fisher
    Former Interim Customer Experience Manager, Premium Credit

    Plan a digital strategy to ensure you create the right experiences to match your customers’ needs and expectations. Tap into your group’s collective knowledge to identify how to:

    • Source effective strategies to finding what the customer wants
    • Integrate your customers’ needs and company goals
    • Identify your challenges and obstacles and how to overcome them

    Take back to the office strategies to move your CX forward.

  • 1:45 PM
    Case Study: Mobile
    Set Your Mobile Strategy to Support and Enhance Customer Experience Objectives
    Kevin Thompson
    Vice President Marketing & Customer Experience, Simon Property Group

    Determine what mobile options are right for your brand and prioritize your digital investments accordingly. Facilitate on-demand information, transaction and service to drive positive brand sentiment and engagement. Address key factors and create your roadmap:

    • Why does a mobile strategy make sense?
    • What is your strategy and how does it fit with your overall CX?
    • What are your options: mobile site, app, m-commerce?
    • What are the risks and the key lessons learned?

    Realise the full potential of your mobile strategy to improve your CX.

  • 2:15 PM
    Case Study: Avoiding Silos
    Applying User Centered Design to Enhance Your Digital Experiences
    Neil Dodd
    Associate Director Mobile, Compare the Market

    How do you truly put the customer at the heart of your digital experiences? The answer is to involve them every step of the way. Apply User Centered Design to give you the confidence that your product or service is easy to use. Take back to the office a step-by step plan to:

    • Learn methods and tools that unleash the power of directly involving your customers in your digital experience design
    • Discover a simple trick that enables you to put yourself in the mind of your customers
    • See real-world examples of how to apply User Centered Design and how this has influenced products

    Transform your digital experience with User Centered Design

  • 2:45 PM
    Mid-Afternoon Networking Break

    Interact with conference speakers and fellow attendees.

  • 3:15 PM
    Case Study: MOO
    Combine Machine Learning and Simple Contextual Support Content to Improve CX, Reduce Costs and Increase Revenue
    Dan Moross
    Director of Customer Experience,

    Are your customers getting lost on "help island"? Are you piling money and resources into assisted service options like live chat? Reduce inbound contacts by 20% and increase both conversion and average order value by investing in a new self-service strategy. Achieve a step-by-step action plan to:

    • Prioritise relevant digital content for your visitors
    • Provide rich customer information to your agents
    • Help stakeholders prioritise issues and identify customer impacting problems

    Make it simple for your customers and reap the rewards on both the top and bottom line.

  • 3:45 PM
    Case Study: Contact Centre Success
    How to Develop a Mobile-First Strategy to Deliver Delightful Experiences and Improve Customer Engagement Levels
    Nikolina Glamoclija
    Senior Manager, Vodafone Unified Communications Group

    How to Develop a Mobile-First Strategy to Deliver Delightful Experiences and Improve Customer Engagement Levels

    With mobile becoming the new frontline of customer experience, businesses need to develop mobile-first strategies without loosing sight of the omni-channel goal. Prioritise your digital investments with a solid strategy that best fits your customer needs, uses and expectations. Assess:

    • Customers’ mobile behaviour and how mobile can alleviate key pain points
    • Your mobile strategy and understand how it mirrors your CX
    • Smart investments that focus on impact
    • Strategies to design and deliver best-in class mobile experiences to exceed expectations

    Realise the full potential of your mobile strategy to improve your CX.

  • 4:15 PM
    Case Study: Implementing a Digital CX Program Like a Start-up
    Preparing for the Second Era of Digital Transformation to Outpace Competitors and Continue to Delight Customers
    Josh Pert
    Director of Digital Capability, BT

    Digital transformation is a trendy buzzword, but how does it work in practice? Hear how BT have transformed their business and aligned themselves with the demands of digital whilst the majority of its operation remain focused on the traditional business. Take away an action plan to:

    • Overcome the new challenges presented by the second era of digital transformation
    • Identify how mature your business is to cope with these new digital challenges
    • Determine new ways of disrupting your business to create brand new models, products and revenue streams

    Align your business with the digital era while overcoming the challenges it creates

  • 4:45 PM
    Conference Adjourns
July 1, 2016

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