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Integrate Your Content Marketing with Your Customer Experience Strategy to Nurture Communities, Drive Engagement and Boost Retention

Content marketing done the right way is proven to attract, engage, convert, and retain customers. Collaborate with your marketing team to create content marketing that works. Reach your customers with relevant and valuable information during their journey.

• Establish your content marketing plan
• Create engaging experiences that also optimize actions
• Speak to pain points to add value and establish trust
• Employ analytics to identify insights to drive new business

Provide value-added content to bolster customer loyalty and retention, and grow your business.

Scott Linabarger
Scott Linabarger

Senior Director, Multi-channel Content Marketing, Cleveland Clinic

Let Your Customers Drive Innovation to Create an Authentic Customer Experience

Are you sitting on your most valuable resource? Learn how to tap the wellspring of customer ideas and turn critics into innovators. Improve conversion and strengthen relationships with your customers with these key insights.

Establish grassroots feedback channels that differentiate your brand from the ‘big boys’
Catalogue and mine customer complaints and ideas
Close the loop by rewarding customers who contribute

Bring a personal touch to your ‘voice of the customer’ program.

Renee Racine-Kinnear
Renee Racine-Kinnear

Director, Digital Customer Experience,